The Soviet Helios 81 lens, which gained popularity due to its unique image character and signature "twisted" bokeh. This lens is a rarity, as it was created specifically for cameras with Nikon F (AI) bayonet mount, which makes it unique among other models of the Helios series. Key Features: Focal Length: 50mm – a versatile solution for portraits, landscapes and everyday photography Maximum Aperture: f/2.0 – excellent aperture for shooting in low light conditions and creating a soft background blur Mount: Nikon F (AI) – fits all Nikon film and digital SLR cameras with an F mount, including modern SLRs Condition: excellent/good – the glass is clean, free of fungus and scratches, the mechanics work smoothly, the aperture is oil-free Features: Signature Bokeh: the famous "swirling" background blur effect characteristic of Helios optics is especially noticeable when shooting with an open aperture Smooth Focusing: convenient and precise focusing, which makes it easy to work both in autofocus mode and with manual focus Compatibility: thanks to the Nikon F mount, this lens is easy to install on modern digital cameras without adapters, while maintaining full control over exposure